Encontro Internacional de Pianistas do Vale do Aço

Vale do Aço International Piano Festival

The Encontro Internacional de Pianistas do Vale do Aço was created and inspired by the Encontro Internacional de Pianistas de Piracicaba in 2018. It is held annually during the first week of January at the Hotel Dom Henrique, in Timóteo, Minas Gerais State.

The upcoming 2020 edition of the EIPIANOVA features 12 faculty members: Dr. João Paulo Casarotti (Southern University), Michael Gurt (Louisiana State University), Dr. Alan Huckleberry (University of Iowa), Dr. Geoffrey Haydon (Georgia State University), Dr. Leslie Spotz (Tarleton State University), Dr. Asami Hagiwara (University of Minnesota), Dr. Maurice Martin (University of Campinas, Brazil), Clelia Iruzun (Poliphonia, UK), Dr. Mauricio Veloso (University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Dr. Cristina Caparelli (University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Dr. Fatima Corvisiere and Dr. Fernando Corvisier (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), and Lilian de Mendonça (Lilian Centro de Musica, Brazil).

The festival has been a huge success and the mayor began including the event in the cultural calendar of the city in 2019. A major feature of this event continues to be the interaction among the arts. For example, during the event the famous local artist Isa Klein was at the hotel showing her works that mixed origami with sculptures on stainless steel (The region of Vale do Aço produces 40% of the world the stainless steel production) and we collaborated with her. Also a Movie company created a short film of the EIPIANOVA that will be made and submitted to some movie festivals showing the strong collaborative character of the event among artists, volunteers, and the public.

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TV Cultura- Interview Dr. Casarotti (15’- 19’35”)